Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics


Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics
Index Abstract
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Report Number
AFFDL TR 66-80
Przemieniecki, J. S.
Bader, R. M.
Bozich, W. F.
Johnson, J. R.
Mykytow, W. J.
Corporate Author
Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory
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Laboratory Research - No Contract
DoD Project
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Date Modified
Scanned by request 8/27/2013 submitted by National Technical University of Athens (University - International)
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The abstract for this report is either unavailable or has yet to be entered
Has Part
Table of Contents
Opening Remarks
Welcome Address
Keynote Address
Continua and Discontinua
A Regularization Method for Calculation of Stresses, Deformations, and Elastic Modes
A Survey of Analysis of Shells by the Displacement Method
Development of Advanced Structural Optimization Programs and their Application to Large Order Systems
Automated Stress Analysis Using Substructures
A Study of the Matrix Displacement Method as Applied to Shells of Revolution
The Linear Elastic Dynamic Analysis of Shells of Revolution by the Matrix Displacement Method
The Equivalence of Force and Displacement Methods in the Matrix Analysis of Elastic Structures
Structural Influence Coefficients for a Redundant System Including Beam-Column Effects
Orthogonalization of Internal Force and Strain Systems
The Generation of Inter-Element-Compatible Stiffness and Mass Matrices by the Use of Interpolation Formulas
Modified Potential Energy Mass Representations for Frequency Prediction
Element Stiffness-Matrices for Boundary Compatibility and for Prescribed Boundary Stresses
Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Formulation by Means of Hermitian Polynomials
A Flat Triangular Shell Element Stiffness Matrix
Finite Element Stiffness Matrices for Analysis of Plate Bending
Triangular Elements in Plate Bending - Conforming and Non-Conforming Solutions
A Bending Analysis for Plates
Matrix Analysis Methods for Inelastic Structures
The Application of the Matrix Displacement Method in Plane Elasto-Plastic Problems
Matrix Analysis of Creep and Plasticity Problems
Nonlinear Structural Analysis; Tensor Formulation
On the Derivation of Stiffness Matrices for the Analysis of Large Deflection and Stability Problems
The Effect of Axial Loads on the Stiffness of Rigid-Jointed Plane Frames
The Computation of Dynamic Response Time Histories of a System Using a Matrix Iterative Technique
A Method for the Determination of the Matrix of Impulse Response Functions with Special Reference to Applications in Random Vibration Problems
Numerical Approach for Wave Motions in Nonlinear Solid Media
Quadratic Matrix Equations for Determining Vibration Modes and Frequencies of Continuous Elastic Systems
Truncation Errors in Natural Frequencies as Computed by the Method of Component Mode Synthesis
Improved Linear Axisymetric Shell-Fluid Model for Launch Vehicle Longitudinal Response Analysis
Vibration Analysis of a Cantlievered Square Plate by the Stiffness Matrix Method
Bending and Stretching of Plates Special Models for Upper and Lower Bounds
Matrix Error Analysis for Engineers
Examples of Solution Accuracy in Certain Large Simultaneous Equation Systems
A Finite Element-Method for the Determination of Non-Stationary Temperature Distribution and Thermal Deformations
Titan III 20 Percent Dynamic Model Characteristics - Comparison of Theory and Experiment

Linked resources

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Items with "Is Part Of: Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics"
Title Class
A Bending Analysis for Plates
A Finite Element-Method for the Determination of Non-Stationary Temperature Distribution and Thermal Deformations
A Flat Triangular Shell Element Stiffness Matrix
A Method for the Determination of the Matrix of Impulse Response Functions with Special Reference to Applications in Random Vibration Problems
A Regularization Method for Calculation of Stresses, Deformations, and Elastic Modes
A Study of the Matrix Displacement Method as Applied to Shells of Revolution
A Survey of Analysis of Shells by the Displacement Method
Automated Stress Analysis Using Substructures
Bending and Stretching of Plates Special Models for Upper and Lower Bounds
Continua and Discontinua
Development of Advanced Structural Optimization Programs and their Application to Large Order Systems
Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Formulation by Means of Hermitian Polynomials
Element Stiffness-Matrices for Boundary Compatibility and for Prescribed Boundary Stresses
Examples of Solution Accuracy in Certain Large Simultaneous Equation Systems
Finite Element Stiffness Matrices for Analysis of Plate Bending
Improved Linear Axisymetric Shell-Fluid Model for Launch Vehicle Longitudinal Response Analysis
Keynote Address
Matrix Analysis Methods for Inelastic Structures
Matrix Analysis of Creep and Plasticity Problems
Matrix Error Analysis for Engineers
Modified Potential Energy Mass Representations for Frequency Prediction
Nonlinear Structural Analysis; Tensor Formulation
Numerical Approach for Wave Motions in Nonlinear Solid Media
On the Derivation of Stiffness Matrices for the Analysis of Large Deflection and Stability Problems
Opening Remarks