Establishing The Validity Of The Master Curve Technique For Complex Modulus Data Reduction
Report Number
WL-TR-91-3078 Volume I, p. DBC-1 thru DBC-20
Oyadiji, S. O.
Tomlinson, O. R.
Corporate Author
Dynamics and Control Research Group, Department of Engineering, University of Manchester
Wright Laboratory
Date Issued
Laboratory Research - No Contract
DoD Project
DoD Task
1 online resource
The applicability of the master curve technique for the reduction of temperature- and frequency-dependent complex modulus data to a set of "master" complex modulus curves, which depend on only one variable, is validated for a polyisoprene rubber of shore hardness 55. Using the direct stiffness method, complex Young's modulus data was determined for a sample of the material over 2 narrow frequency bands of 2 octaves each and a wide temperature range of -60C to 100C. Small temperature intervals of 2C at low temperatures rising to 20C at high temperatures were used in the tests. This resulted in two sets of "temperature-dominated" complex modulus data from which smooth, continuous master curves were generated by the application of the master curve technique. The procedure was repeated for a wider test frequency range of 2 decades, the same temperature range but larger temperature increments of 1 0C at low temperatures nsmg to SOC at high temperature. This resulted in a "frequency-dominated" complex modulus data set from which master curves were again obtained. It is shown that the master curves obtained from the three data sets correlate quite well.
The applicability of the master curve technique for the reduction of temperature- and frequency-dependent complex modulus data to a set of "master" complex modulus curves, which depend on only one variable, is validated for a polyisoprene rubber of shore hardness 55. Using the direct stiffness method, complex Young's modulus data was determined for a sample of the material over 2 narrow frequency bands of 2 octaves each and a wide temperature range of -60C to 100C. Small temperature intervals of 2C at low temperatures rising to 20C at high temperatures were used in the tests. This resulted in two sets of "temperature-dominated" complex modulus data from which smooth, continuous master curves were generated by the application of the master curve technique. The procedure was repeated for a wider test frequency range of 2 decades, the same temperature range but larger temperature increments of 1 0C at low temperatures nsmg to SOC at high temperature. This resulted in a "frequency-dominated" complex modulus data set from which master curves were again obtained. It is shown that the master curves obtained from the three data sets correlate quite well.
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