Self Organizing Networks


Self Organizing Networks
Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology
Corporate Author
Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology
Corporate Report Number
ARF Project No. E154
Date Issued
Date Modified
Scanned 2023-09-19
The initial phases of a program directed toward the realization of complex adaptive logical networks by optical means are described. The logical networks with which the research is concerned are comprised of threshold devices in various configurations. The general hypothesis which underlies the program is that networks of threshold devices can be designed which will be capable of useful application to pattern recognition problems of several types, provided that we can discover simple, inexpensive means for their manufacture. Still another notion which we accept is that effective solutions to such problems will be found not in terms of networks of fixed behavior, but in terms of networks whose parameters can be easily altered by suitable action principles or adaptive strategies. While the program has been aimed at problems of both a theoretical and hardware nature, the major effort during the initial phase has been directed at the realization of a simple optical device for adaptive pattern recognition.
The initial phases of a program directed toward the realization of complex adaptive logical networks by optical means are described. The logical networks with which the research is concerned are comprised of threshold devices in various configurations. The general hypothesis which underlies the program is that networks of threshold devices can be designed which will be capable of useful application to pattern recognition problems of several types, provided that we can discover simple, inexpensive means for their manufacture. Still another notion which we accept is that effective solutions to such problems will be found not in terms of networks of fixed behavior, but in terms of networks whose parameters can be easily altered by suitable action principles or adaptive strategies. While the program has been aimed at problems of both a theoretical and hardware nature, the major effort during the initial phase has been directed at the realization of a simple optical device for adaptive pattern recognition.
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