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3 items

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Comparative Factor Analyses of Three Radio Operator Training Criteria
Author(s): Friedman, Gabriel, Hempel, Walter E., Jr., Detter, Howard M.
Corporate Author(s): Personnel Research Laboratory
Laboratory: Personnel Research Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-01
Report number: AFPTRC TN 55-2
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Factor Analysis of the Airman Classification Battery AC-1B; The USES General Aptitude Test Battery, Experimental Visualization and Spatial Tests, and Psychomotor Tests
Author(s): Friedman, Gabriel, Ivens, Frank C.
Corporate Author(s): Personnel Research Laboratory
Laboratory: Personnel Research Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-12
Report number: AFPTRC TR 54-67
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Factor Analyses of Airman Classification Battery AC-1A and Selected Air Force and Civilian Tests from the 1949 Normative Survey
Author(s): Friedman, Gabriel, Detter, Howard M.
Corporate Author(s): Personnel Research Laboratory
Laboratory: Personnel Research Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-12
Report number: AFPTRC TR 54-75

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