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3 items

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A Factor Analysis of the OCS Paired-Comparison Evaluation System
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C., Borg, Walter R., Friedman, Gabriel
Corporate Author(s): Human Resources Research Center
Date of Publication: 1953-06
Report number: HRRC TR 53-10
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Evaluation of a Selection Composite for Screening Applicants for USAF Officer Candidate School
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C., Borg, Walter R.
Corporate Author(s): Personnel Research Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1955-07
Report number: AFPTRC TN 55-15
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Validation of a Proposed Officer Effectiveness Selection Battery
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C., Carp, A., Borg, Walter R.
Date of Publication: 1957-12
Report number: AFPTRC TN 57-141

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