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14 items

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A Proposal for an Officer Effectiveness Selection Battery Based on Measures Obtainable During Basic and Advanced AFROTC
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C.
Date of Publication: 1957-06
Report number: AFPTRC TN 57-87
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Relationships Between Behavior Trait Ratings by Peers and Later Officer Performance of USAF Officer Candidate School Graduates
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C.
Date of Publication: 1957-10
Report number: AFPTRC TN 57-125
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Validation of a Proposed Officer Effectiveness Selection Battery
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C., Carp, A., Borg, Walter R.
Date of Publication: 1957-12
Report number: AFPTRC TN 57-141
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Recurrent Personality Factors Based on Trait Ratings
Author(s): Tupes, Ernest C., Christal, Raymond C.
Corporate Author(s): Personnel Laboratory
Laboratory: Personnel Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1961-05
Report number: ASD TR 61-97