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12 items

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The Antibody Response of Animals Exposed to X-Radiation. IV. The Levels of X-Radiation Exposure Required to Destroy an Immunity to Salmonella Typhimurium
Author(s): Fulton, John D., Mitchell, Roland B.
Corporate Author(s): School of Aviation Medicine
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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Red-Green Filters for Simulated Instrument Flying
Author(s): Wilson, Mathew R.
Corporate Author(s): School of Aviation Medicine
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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Auditory Efficiency of Hard-of-Hearing in Noise
Author(s): Tonndorf, Juergen
Corporate Author(s): School of Aviation Medicine
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-09
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The Biological and Medical Aspects of Ionizing Radiation. III. The Immediate Effect of X-Radiation on the Isolated Striated Frog Muscle
Author(s): Gerstner, Herbert B., Powell, Charles P., Richey, Everett O.
Corporate Author(s): School of Aviation Medicine
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-10
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Effectiveness of Various Drugs in Prevention of Airsickness VIII. Evaluation of Various Techniques for Screening Anti-Motion-Sickness Drugs
Author(s): Chinn, Hermann I., Plotnikoff, Nicholas P.
Corporate Author(s): Department of Pharmacology and Biochemistry
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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Further Evaluation of Drugs for the Prevention of Seasickness
Author(s): Chinn, Hermann I., Handford, Stanley W., Smith, Paul K., Cone, Thomas E., Redmond, Robert F., Maloney, James V., Smythe, Cheves C.
Corporate Author(s): School of Aviation Medicine
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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Biological and Medical Aspects of Ionizing Radiation, Small Motion Transducer for Radiobiological Research
Author(s): Richey, Everett O., Gerstner, Herbert B.
Corporate Author(s): Department of Radiobiology
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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A Quantitative Study of Closed Cerebral Injury. I. The Production by Liquid Nitrogen of Cerebral Lesions with Observations on Intracranial Pressure, Blood Pressure and, Papilledema
Author(s): Clasen, Raymond A., Brown, David. V., Leavitt, Seymour, Haas, George M.
Corporate Author(s): Rush Departments of Pathology and Opthamology Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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Evaluation of the Eye Refractometer
Author(s): Wilson, Mathew R.
Corporate Author(s): Department of Opthamology
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1952-02
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Effects of Hypothermia on Brain Activity
Author(s): Noell, Werner K., Briller, Stanley A.
Corporate Author(s): Department of Neuropsychiatry
Laboratory: School of Aviation Medicine
Date of Publication: 1953-01