
96 items

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Pressure Measurement at Mach 19 for a Winged Re-Entry Configuration: Part of an Investigation of Hypersonic Flow Separation and Control Characteristics
Author(s): Hartofilis, Stavros A.
Corporate Author(s): Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Control Division
Date of Publication: 1963-05
Report number: ASD TDR 63-319
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Development of a Low Altitude Turbulence Model for Estimating Gust Loads on Aircraft
Author(s): Lappe, U. O., Thuillier, R. H., Reeves, R. W.
Corporate Author(s): New York University
Laboratory: AF Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-07
Report number: ASD TDR 63-318
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Centrifuge Design Evaluation of the X-20 (Dyna-Soar) Crew Station
Author(s): Snyder, Charles J.
Corporate Author(s): X-20 Engineering Office
Laboratory: X-20 Engineering Office
Date of Publication: 1963-07
Report number: ASD TDR 63-338
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A Study of Selected Contorl-Display Problems for Manned Aerospace Vehicles
Author(s): Pickel, Francis E.
Corporate Author(s): Lear, Inc.
Laboratory: Flight Control Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-03
Report number: ASD TDR 63-170
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Wind, wind Shear, and Gust design Criteria for Vertically-Rising Vehicles as Recommended on the Basis of Wind Data from Eleven United States and Foreign Locations
Author(s): Mazzola, L. L., Putukian, J., Criscione, E. S., Hobbs, N. P.
Corporate Author(s): AviDyne Research, Inc.
Laboratory: AF Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-06
Report number: ASD TDR 62-908
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Experimental Investigation of Pressures on a Blunt Two-Dimensional Profile and on Sharp and Blunt Conical Shapes of Noncircular Cross Section at Mach 5 and 8
Author(s): Mead, Harold R., Koch, Frank
Corporate Author(s): Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Control Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-08
Report number: ASD TDR 63-169
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Pressure and Heat Transfer Measurements at Mach 5 and 8 for a Fin-Flat Plate Model: Part of an Investigation of Hypersonice Flow Separation and Control Characteristics
Author(s): Kaufman, Louis G., Meckler, Lawrence
Corporate Author(s): Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation
Laboratory: Flight Control Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-04
Report number: ASD TDR 63-235
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Investigation of Techniques for Predicting the Development Cost and Development Time of Automatic Flight Control Systems
Author(s): Courtney, R. A., Dye, H. M., Erler, R. L., Martin, C. P., Reed, F. C., Spiro, H. T., Johnston, D. E.
Corporate Author(s): Planning Research Corporation
Laboratory: AF Flight Dynamics Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-11
Report number: ASD TDR 62-751
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Thermoelastic Effects on Hypersonic Stability and Control: Part II - Volume II: Elevated Temperature Deflection Influence Coefficient Tests
Author(s): Quinn, James F.
Corporate Author(s): Bell Aerosystems Company
Laboratory: Flight Control Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-05
Report number: ASD TR 61-287 Part 2 Volume 2
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Thermoelastic Effects on Hypersonic Stability and Control: Part II - Volume III: Elastic Response Analysis of Fuselage and Combined Wing-Fuselage Structures
Author(s): Huff, Rolland D., Gallagher, Richard H.
Corporate Author(s): Bell Aerosystems Company
Laboratory: Flight Control Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1963-05
Report number: ASD TR 61-287 Part 2 Volume 3

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