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Random Normal Deviates
Author(s): Meyer, Herbert A., Lytle, Ernest J., Gephart, Landis S.Corporate Author(s): University of Florida
Date of Publication: 1955-03
Report number: WADC TR 55-125
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Inversion of Matrices by Monte Carlo Methods
Author(s): Meyer, Herbert A., Lytle, Ernest J., Jr., Gephart, Landis S., Rasmussen, Norman L.Corporate Author(s): University of Florida
Laboratory: Aeronautical Research Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1954-01
Report number: WADC TR 54-56
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Comparison of Cyclone Frequencies in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Regions
Author(s): Gleeson, Thomas A.Corporate Author(s): University of Florida
Date of Publication: 1955-05
Report number: AFCRC TN 55-475
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Report Availability
- Gephart, Landis S. (2)
- Meyer, Herbert A. (2)
- Gleeson, Thomas A. (1)
- Lytle, Ernest J. (1)
- Lytle, Ernest J., Jr. (1)
Corporate Author