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Turbine Engine Compressor Blade Checkout
Author(s): Bridges, J. E., Hegner, H. R., Knox, R. M., Schwab, R. B., Hehn, A. H.
Corporate Author(s): IIT Research Institute
Laboratory: Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory
Date of Publication: 1967-06
Report number: AFAPL TR 67-59
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Advanced Oxidizer Chemistry
Author(s): Solomon, Irvine J.
Corporate Author(s): IIT Research Institute
Laboratory: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Date of Publication: 1967-09-11
Report number: AFOSR 67-2645
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Civil Defense Shelter Options for Fallout and Blast Protection (Dual-Purpose)
Author(s): Longinow, A.
Corporate Author(s): IIT Research Institute
Laboratory: Office of Civil Defense
Date of Publication: 1967-05